Network Essentials :
Networking Essentials Course Overview
This course introduces a variety of topics to build students’ skills and understanding of networking. The course also introduces networking devices and the Cisco IOS® software. Students will learn how networks are set up, how devices are configured, how communication takes place on a network and the basics of implementing network security best practices which will enhance the students’ confidence in communicating their knowledge and work in networking-related professions. This course includes activities that expand on the course material presented. Upon completion of this course, the end-of-course survey, and the end-of-course assessment, the student will receive a Certificate of Completion.
The 70-hour curriculum may be used as a standalone course or as a supplement to an existing course. Instructors can create a course, enroll students, teach and guide them through the course content, material and activities.
The course is appropriate for students at many education levels and types of institutions, especially career and technical schools, community organizations, etc. College and university students studying non-IT fields would also find this curriculum to be a useful introduction to IT and networking.